Most recipes have basic ingredients namely garlic, onions, soy sauce and sugar, for some Filipino dishes have sugars in them for the reason that a lot of Filipino loves sweet taste on their dishes and is always garnish by a green chili.
- Cooking oil
- 1 tablespoon garlic; diced
- 1 medium carrots; minced
- 1/2 kilo pork lungs
- 1/2 kilo pork heart
- 1 medium kinchay
- 5 pcs chili pepper; chopped
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 4 tablespoons vinegar
- 1 tablespoon annatto (atsuete) seeds
- substitute: 1/4 cup catsup
- Salt and pepper to taste
- In a pot, boil the heart and lungs. Until no odor is left.
- Take it out from the pot and chop it into small sizes. Set aside
- Sauté garlic and onion until its colors turns brown.
- Add lungs, heart, and chili pepper.
- Sauté for about 10 mins. until no liquid is left.
- Season with salt and pepper.
- Put-in the minced carrot and kinchay.
- Sauté for 5 mins. until vegetables are cooked.
- Add soy sauce, vinegar, and annato water, according to your taste.
- Simmer for few again for 3-5 minutes until dish is cooked.
- Serve hot, Share and Enjoy!
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